Pop and Circumstance

Jun 04, 2013Stephen Charles Lincoln

To the father figures out there— I think we all have a little Pop* to give. 

*Please don't think this blog entry won't speak to you. I too am not someone's biological dad, yet I totally feel like a father figure to many people (and even some pets). Even you women folk, I know this is yet another role you excel at. 

I've discovered the connection between myself and those I care about is a complex one. If it isn't, then I'm not doing it right, then I am not "all in." No matter the connection, my whole heart has gotta be "in." It drives my desire to inspire and support, to show my love in such a way that you feel you have your own personal cheerleader. Or "advocate"— if high school brings back less than desirable memories for you.... That feels very fatherly to me.

In my office life, it's very important to me that my staff knows that I know they are people too with special stories of their own. They don't just exist to make my business hum along. I feel very fortunate that I've created a life where I can be someone's employer and also show a big heart...and that those two things are not mutually exclusive. I feel a responsibility towards my employees and I'm not afraid to let them know. In fact, I thrive on it.

In my friendships, I bring my heart and soul. How else to bring out the best in each other? You can count on me. I have your back. I know that skill doesn't make it onto a resume, but what a world that would be, right? 

Even with my four-legged charges—the dogs who reside as family in my home— I take care of them with as much tenderness as any father can. Believe me, if they had soccer practice, I'd be at every match pacing the side lines (and of course, supplying all the kids with a Protein Bakery snack).

Love continues to defy old definitions and cross boundaries, so I say—why not celebrate all of us who guide and care for others? 

And as for the ladies who stuck around to the end of this entry, well first, thank you for your open-minds, and second, it is a mother— Madonna— who, I think, sums up the holiday best. This Father's Day, express yourself. Let those special ones who look up to you and who you look up to know how much you value them.

May we all dream big and be grateful for love. Lots of it.

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